
kill everyone in China

Original title: Tens of Thousands of People Petition on White House Website

According to foreign media reports, on October 16th, a “kill everyone in China” remark appeared during the “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”, a late-night talk show program of the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), and shocked American public opinion. For days, over 25K netizens petitioned on the White House website, demanding that the American Broadcasting Company cancel this program as well as apologize for the racist speech in the program.

On the 23rd local time, this program has already been pulled from the ABC website.

According to reports, in this program, the host Jimmy Kimmel invited 4 children of different skin colors to form a “Kid’s Table” where they discussed national affairs while eating candies to satirize “members of Congress acting like a bunch of kids”.

When Jimmy asked, “We owe China 13 trillion US dollars of debt; how shall we pay them back?” a 5-year-old boy’s response astonished people, saying “We should go around the world, and kill everyone in China,” to which Mr. Kimmel amusingly said, “Kill everyone in China? That’s an interesting idea.”

This insulting comment against China made on Jimmy’s program caused a huge controversy.

On the White House Website, the petition calling for the program to be cut has already over 25K signatures. The petition [author] claims to be very disturbed by this “’Kid’s Table’ show”, and claims “The program is totally unacceptable and it must be cut. […] this is the same rhetoric used in Nazi Germany against Jewish people. Please immediately cut the show and issue a formal apology.”

Apart from the majority of ethnic Chinese petitioners, there are also apparently petitioners who are Westerners judging by their surnames. One petitioner wrote, “I was very disturbed towards by Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘Kid’s Table’ show. [...] The kids might not know anything better. However, Jimmy Kimmel and ABC’s management are all adults. ABC must issue a sincere apology.”

An overseas Chinese person commented after watching the video on YouTube, “My anger is not at the kids, but their parents, and the host, and ABC, for they are ruining the kids. My daughter is 4 years old. If she says something like: kill all the blacks, or kill all the Jews, I would definitely have a serious talk with her, because that is not tolerable speech.”

Some Asian-American bloggers also made criticisms over the show. “Bostonese”, an online journal that serves the overseas Chinese community in Boston, wrote, “To broadcast these racist and genocidal comments, Mr. Kimmel, this is not funny at all.”

Incidents “insulting/denigrating China” in foreign TV are common, with some television stations even doing so repeatedly. With regards to this, American China Express senior media figure Guan Liming said in an interview several days ago that American TV hosts know very little about China, so it’s not surprising to have this kind of thing happened, but it mustn’t be tolerant.” Sourced from CCTV.

如果美國的孩子們在電視上說殺光中國的貪官污吏,你們還會上街去抗議,遊行嗎?你們把自己的國家變成了一個空氣污染 土壤污染 水質污染 食品污染 政治腐敗的流氓無賴垃圾國家后跑到其他國家去享受和禍害其他國家的民主和自由。你們這些在海外的蝗漢們也是獨裁者,流氓政權的幫兇啊!!

