
最美丽的乌克兰姑娘:Слава Україні!“荣耀属于乌克兰!”



這段全球廣傳的短片已有數百萬點擊,「烏克蘭示威少女」Yulia,是一位文學研究生。她從第一天已留守基輔獨立廣場做義工。以下是她的心聲:I wanted to show that here I am - a person. If you say there are radicals and terrorists in our streets, then I am a terrorist too.

下圖:烏克蘭首都修院成傷民收容中心,聖米歇爾金頂修院敞開大門提供示威民眾衣物與補給,擔心到公立醫院就醫被捕的傷者也可來此接受治療。遭警方打傷的示威者在教堂燭光與聖像守護下得以歇息,現場有人帶來飲水、麵包與火腿,也有人整理基輔民眾熱心提供的醫療用品。為了民眾安全起見,修院門口有人把守。(via ouest-france)

“I am a Ukrainian”(中文字幕)http://youtu.be/CKUtXceCk-s

This is Yulia. She is a post-graduate student in literature. She is on Maidan from the very first days, volunteering at the hotline Euromaidan SOS, being on duty in hospital, collected books from her friends for Maidan's library. She has done bunch of other good deeds together with her husband. I've learned that from her friends. "I feel there is a huge gap between what I am doing and what must be done for Maidan" she told me. This thought is always with her. After the first people were killed on Hrushevskogo Street she posted about it on Facebook. She felt like screaming about everything that had been happening in the country. Her friend suggested to make the video of the same statement for more people to see and hear her. They made the video on Hrushevskogo next to the destroyed makeshift hospital. It was very cold then and her speech is uneven sometimes. " I wanted to show that here I am - a person. If you say there are radicals and terrorists in our streets, then I am a terrorist too," explains Yulia.

In ten days the video got 3 million views on YouTube. People from all over the world are writing to Maidaners to say how much they've been moved by this video. Thank you, young lady, for telling the world in simple words what has been happening in Ukraine.
Yulia has asked me to write what is most important for her. She doesn't do for Maidan even one tenth of what her mother does. Her mother is a doctor, she is on Maidan from dawn to dusk. (via Maidaners)。

