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Richard Yates Navigator

A list of resources from around the Web about Richard Yates as selected by researchers and editors of The New York Times.

Times Book Reviews

The Collected Stories of Richard Yates (2001)

Cold Spring Harbor (1986)

Young Hearts Crying (1984)

Liars in Love (1981)

A Good School (1978)

The Easter Parade (1976)

Disturbing the Peace (1975)

A Special Providence (1969)

Eleven Kinds of Loneliness (1962)

Revolutionary Road (1961)

Other Content

The Richard Yates collection at Boston University

Biography, description of manuscript collection

Best of Everything: The Richard Yates Archive

News, bibliography, links

"Richard Yates' Real Masterpiece"

Slate. January 5, 2009.

"Like Men Betrayed: Revisiting Richard Yates' 'Revolutionary Road'"

The New Yorker. December 15, 2008.

"Left Unsaid: Revolutionary Road"

The Guardian. September 18, 2004.

"The Lost World of Richard Yates"

Boston Review. October/November 1999.

"An Interview with Richard Yates"

Ploughshares. Winter 1972.

Richard Yates was a poet of post-World War II loneliness and disappointment, creating in his finest stories and in his masterpiece, ''Revolutionary Road,'' indelible, Edward Hopperesque portraits of dreamers who have mortgaged their dreams. Trapped in ill-considered marriages and dead-end jobs, they find themselves living on the margins of the postwar boom, the gap between their modest expectations and the even more modest realities of their day-to-day lives leading to rage, humiliation and alcoholic despair.

Though many of these characters see themselves as counterfeit F. Scott Fitzgeralds or failed would-be Hemingways, Yates's own distinctive virtues as a writer -- his plain-spoken prose, his feel for contemporary alienation, his ability to make the reader both empathize with his characters and understand the depth of their self-deception -- created a potent legacy, providing a bridge from the naturalism of Dreiser to the latter day realism practiced by writers like Raymond Carver, Richard Ford and Richard Russo. — Michiko Kakutani

1 条评论:

  1. Hola, quizás os interese saber que tenemos una colección que incluye el relato 'Oh, Joseph, I’m So Tired' de Richard Yates en versión original conjuntamente con el relato 'A Small, Good Thing' de Raymond Carver.

    El formato de esta colección es innovador porque permite leer directamente la obra en inglés sin necesidad de usar el diccionario al integrarse un glosario en cada página.

    Tenéis más info de este relato y de la colección Read&Listen en
